Congratulations to our friends “Mindstorm Madness!” They competed in the Moline Green Qualifier on December 2nd, took home the Robot Performance Award, and were announced as Grand Champion!
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Hydrodynamics Scrimmage
Yesterday we participated in our scrimmage for the year. We presented our project and had a robot design session and got some good feedback. We ended up with the high score of 195 on the table, though we were neck-and-neck with the Robo Hackers all day!
Congratulations, East Peoria!
Congratulations to the East Peoria FLL teams! They all made a great showing at the Bradley regional qualifier! Three of them, the Bolin Builders, The Bricks Awaken, and the Thinkinators, took Grand Champion in the Red, White, and Blue tournaments, respectively. They also each took home the Robot Performance award!
First Scrimmage
We had our first scrimmage on November 19, in peoria. We got some good feedback on our project. Our robot didn’t work very well for the first two runs, but the third run was great. We scored 170 points!
New website
Welcome to the home of The Bricks Awaken. We’re a second year FIRST Lego League team competing in Illinois. We’re just getting started on our site, but check back later!